There is no place as amazing as India for a Geography student to conduct a sustainability check on people’s lifestyles. Indian villages and cities are a class apart when we talk about sustainable practices. Alike other urban dwellers in the world, most Indian townsmen are still on the verge of developing suitable resource management skills. What is different is that people living in villages have an ancient connection to the ‘Go green’ and ‘Best out of waste’ concepts. 70% of the rural households in the country depend primarily on agriculture. The rest migrate to the cities in search of better opportunities. Traditionally farming methods comprised of using organic matter for fertility and rain for irrigation. These methods could not full fill the food requirements thus affected India’s food security. To overcome this, food had to be imported from other countries and in the fifties, the government launched a green revolution. This led to the introduction of HYV (High Yielding Variety) s...
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